Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year! Time once again to confront our imperfections. What a humbling experience this is right? What are the things I need to work on to make myself a better: person? dad? teacher? friend? husband? It's a bit easier for those married guys out there as we have a constant reminder of our imperfections. Funny I didn't hear anything about this part of our verbal contract during our wedding ceremony. Kira and I have taken to calling it "The List."

More than likely, by the time you read this I will have broken a majority of my resolutions. Being a creature of habit I can tell you that on New Year's morning I will...wake up slightly hung over (one resolution down), sleep late (doh, that's two), yell at my kids for fighting (there goes the more patient dad resolution) and if I swore at my kids to "Just learn how to share the %$@in' computer!" I just might be out of resolutions...wait....there's still hope!

At least I started this blog right? This is something I have wanted to try for a long time. I invite you to access this blog occasionally and hopefully you will find something entertaining in my rants and ramblings. Welcome and Thanks for reading, Jim Spinner