Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year! Time once again to confront our imperfections. What a humbling experience this is right? What are the things I need to work on to make myself a better: person? dad? teacher? friend? husband? It's a bit easier for those married guys out there as we have a constant reminder of our imperfections. Funny I didn't hear anything about this part of our verbal contract during our wedding ceremony. Kira and I have taken to calling it "The List."

More than likely, by the time you read this I will have broken a majority of my resolutions. Being a creature of habit I can tell you that on New Year's morning I will...wake up slightly hung over (one resolution down), sleep late (doh, that's two), yell at my kids for fighting (there goes the more patient dad resolution) and if I swore at my kids to "Just learn how to share the %$@in' computer!" I just might be out of resolutions...wait....there's still hope!

At least I started this blog right? This is something I have wanted to try for a long time. I invite you to access this blog occasionally and hopefully you will find something entertaining in my rants and ramblings. Welcome and Thanks for reading, Jim Spinner


  1. Looking forward to some intellectually provocative writing here.

  2. Keep the messages coming. Challenge us with thought provoking comments. Enlighten us with different perspectives. Entertain us, and keep us coming back!

  3. Way to go on keeping a resolution! Blog away - I am reading.

  4. You know ..... you are not alone in home repair mishaps. I can tell you stores about how I drilled through water pipes, caused leaky basement walls, or patched roofing titles only to see them leak again.

    I feel your pain especially since my dad was a handyman of sorts, auto mechanic by trade, who never called a service man for anything.... He just learned "on the job".

    But the best part of the story, which I truly enjoyed, are your memories... Those hit home.

    Thanks for writing!

  5. Big hello from the boys from brooklyn..I grew up on e 8th. I was up skiing with the Anderson boys..John duffy says hello. I also work with Chris Donohue and I turned him on to your blogs..I dont know you but I know many of the same people from the neighborhood..Thanks for the Good Read!!!! Mark S

  6. Hey Mr. Spinner, your blog on first crush was very influential. Props to your writing skills.

  7. Miss you Mr.Spinner love, your two craziest students from 2012!!

  8. Yo spinner! Its your favorite student Smeraglia, miss your class

  9. This really sucks alot

  10. This hurts my eyes
